Anonymous ID: b85de6 Aug. 6, 2021, 3:59 p.m. No.14286428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6462 >>6744

>>14286019 lb



Ancient India’s history ends almost 6,000 years ago with the destruction of its ancient kingdoms in what author Barry Brown’s book claims is the first large-scale, organized war in human history

BRAMPTON: Toronto’s Hindu community is embracing the work of a Jewish writer whose research shows the Biblical Hebrew people came to the Middle East from Ancient India.


Author Barry Brown, who spoke at the Hindu Sabha Mandir last week, was warmly welcomed by the hundred plus audience in Brampton. His richly detailed book, Humanity: The World Before Religion, War & Inequality, claims the start of the Jewish Bible and the end of India’s ancient text the Mahabharata are connected by the same ancient history.


“Barry Brown is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated Canadian journalist. His book says that the first war in the world is the Mahabharata,” said Ashok Kapoor, of the Hindu Sabha Mandir, introducing Brown to the audience.


According to Brown, ancient India’s history ends almost 6,000 years ago with the destruction of its ancient kingdoms in what Brown’s book claims is the first large-scale, organized war in human history. And that war is also the historic event that inspired the Bible’s tale of the “fall of mankind” in the Garden of Eden and the beginning of the Jewish calendar nearly 6,000 years ago.


“The Bible says Eden was located at the eastern end of a larger land called “Havilah” and according to the 20-volume, 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, the oldest traditions in Judaism and Christianity dating back more than 2,000 years all agree Havilah was India. (Incidentally, the Jewish community in Cochin (Kochi) say they came to India 2000 years ago during the time of King Solomon.) .What happened in India nearly 6,000 years ago that could have started this history? It was the world’s first war,” Brown says. “It was exploring this possibility that started my research on Humanity.”


His research also shows the genetic family ties between the Jewish “Levites” – the tribe of born Jewish priests –and several families of Hindu Brahmins including the Yadava clan that the Mahabharata says fought in the 6,000 year old war.


Aristotle claimed that Hebrews were known as Kalani in India. If you head downriver to the west, from Mathura where the Yadava clan were based as well as Krishna, then you end up in Gujarat. In that state there is a family name Kalani still in existence.

Anonymous ID: b85de6 Aug. 6, 2021, 4:03 p.m. No.14286462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6744


Humanity: The World Before Religion, War & Inequality


War between groups of people is only 6,000 years old. As such, human history is a two-part story. The first story is the tale of how human civilization thrived for 3 million years without war. The second begins 6,000 years ago when the very first war changed history and divided the world.


Eden is supposed to be in the east of India. That is the location of Bengal and Bangladesh, rich river valley and delta soil, well watered even when the rains fail, an ideal environment for the style of agriculture that we call Gardening or Market Gardening. So yes, seems like a place you would call Eden

Anonymous ID: b85de6 Aug. 6, 2021, 4:36 p.m. No.14286744   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Let's just get one thing straight

Who are the Aryans?

Where do they come from?



They called themselves the Arya and their heartland was the highlands where the characters of the Mahabharata war were based. The Yadova clan is a Brahmin Aryan clan. And this is where the Judean Hebrews had their origin.


And let's not confuse the issue by using the Nazi definition of Aryan as blond haired, blue eyed, Finnic people. Those are NOT Aryans, and in fact, in their language the name Arya mean slave. They were enemies of the dark haired brown eyed tan Aryan people of Iran and Bharat (Arya). Even in Eire, settled by 5 founding peoples, the physical type called "Black Irish" is still common

Anonymous ID: b85de6 Aug. 6, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.14286869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6885 >>6893



Sending a message in BLACK AND WHITE

Trump is wearing a WHITE HAT and black jacket

Making it clear to those Cabal members who think that he is still one of them, playing an elaborate con game, that it is NOT SO.

Trump is anti-Globalist Cabal

That is why he shows himself in a WHITE HAT


And according to the rules of the game

He has to declare his intent in advance

This is an old picture, and the man who used to never wear a hat, is showing himself in a white hat.


This is how comms are done

The blue sky in the background is both a confirmation that he is sending a message

And also alludes to a higher source


Notice that Scavino's picture is BLACK AND WHITE

To emphasize that this is a "Choosing Sides" comm.


They are still making deals with Cabal members who flip

It is almost too late to take advantage of this offer

So anyone left who wants to avoid the death

Has got to act and communicate their intentions.