Anonymous ID: 1646c1 May 16, 2018, 1:49 a.m. No.1429198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9206

Just a heads up to those who have super vivid dreams:


Just tried Blueberry Space Cake.

Can Confirm another Blueberry strain had similar vibes for me, but tonight I've had the most random yet time appropriate to events flashes (like daydreams but not pulling me from reality, literally flashes. Not new for me, but dang.


No, not trying to push new age stuff. Not trying to convince anyone to try anything nor infer anything about dreams but will leave that up to each reader I guess. I merely point to the fact that we work out a LOT in our dreams, and if ya smoke 'em already, couldn't hurt in the dig inspiration department.

I'm watching a vid on drops from days ago and realizing I was dreaming about things I thought I'd missed….or thought I had but I guess I glanced over not realizing? Happens with me. So strange.


So it's not a waste…have a few memes. In honor of //ourladies// And tons of well wishes toward our lovely FLOTUS.