Anonymous ID: d36c9f May 16, 2018, 2:07 a.m. No.1429238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9258 >>9353 >>9355 >>9488 >>9613 >>9681

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Politicians bought & paid for?


Campaign fundraising site suspends Republican accounts in effort to reject 'Trumpism'


A crowdfunding site for political campaigns has suspended all of its accounts for Republican candidates, saying the values of President Trump and the GOP are not in line with the company’s own values.


Acting Crowdpac CEO Jesse Thomas said in a Medium post Tuesday that the Crowdpac community and users “share values that Trumpism does not,” and that the company will reject “Trumpism” moving forward.


“Because Trumpism is so heavily linked with the modern national Republican Party, and because very few federal leaders in the Republican Party have meaningfully rejected Trumpism, we are temporarily suspending fundraising for Republican candidates on,” he wrote.


“This decision has been a hard one for our company, but as Trumpism has spread through the Republican Party we’ve started to see an increase in campaigns for Republican candidates that we cannot allow on our platform,” he continued.


Thomas cited GOP candidates like Patrick Little, the top Republican candidate for a California Senate seat who has said he admires Adolf Hitler and called for a country “free of Jews,” among those candidates who have used the fundraising site.

Anonymous ID: d36c9f May 16, 2018, 2:25 a.m. No.1429277   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not sure of the legality, but it's heavily in line with Q's recent drop about CENSORSHIP..

Banning an entire party from being able to crowdfund their run for office because of ONE candidates views… astounding.

No wonder our candidates are bought and paid for.. can't even fund our own candidates.

Anonymous ID: d36c9f May 16, 2018, 3:13 a.m. No.1429428   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Indeed, personal focus of mine recently is working on trying to find the connections between the more recent history of exopol stuff and Q drops. Not much to work with on that front truly, but Bill Cooper is a BIG hint. Also; Space force.

Regardless, I hope more are able to look into making these sort of connections; there's a lot of names and groups that are tossed around a lot here that worked diligently to cover the subject is rife with disinfo landmines and SWAMP gas. Gotta keep draining that swamp, kek.