Ron/Jim doesn't need to help anyone… just update the FAQ.
Nope… reclaiming a board is different… have looked at that too.
Reclaiming a board requires sending in an email to Jim, to claim it.
I'm sure if I were to send Jim an email…. for help on the board creation or claiming an old room… I would get assistance.
BUT at present I'm not prepared to send my email ANYWHERE…… An IP address is enough… but that might change with time.
And now they're stuck on a ship wearing masks, that don't work…. Coughing and breathing all over each other.
Apparently bullet proof from the virus…. but in actuality not.
If only they had all taken a dose of HQC… like you were going to a malaria area…. they'd still be enjoying their holiday.
Ho hum…… My thought's on the matter haven't varied from the start……give everyone HQC then find someone with it and spend time with them…. like you do with kids and measles.
Problem solved in a couple of months and herd immunity is gained…. while have all the measures ready for after infection, just in case.
But like assholes…. it's an opinion and everyone has one.