This copy/pasta used to fit in one post. Wonder why the post line limit has been reduced?
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The Clock Explained:
Q’s clock or The Clock is a figure of speech used to highlight the significance of the amount of time between a Q post and a President Trump (POTUS) tweet or retweet, or between two POTUS tweets or retweets, called a delta. Markers can be a letter, word, phrase, person, place, or number usually in bold brackets which are used to bring attention to what is being marked. The number markers that are explicitly referring to deltas are known as "delta markers" (in quotes here because Q has not used that term, but anons use it as a way to distinguish regular number markers from number markers used in the context of deltas). Q confirms that there are number markers used to note the specific deltas, and that deltas are important, on December 23rd, 2017.
Q first used three deltas to familiarize anons with looking for the time between a Q post and a POTUS tweet or retweet. The first three deltas were [15] minutes, [10] minutes, and [5] minutes in that order. This graphic (the simple stopwatch graphic) is just a way to visualize The Clock as a stopwatch which notes deltas, and is seen in posts about deltas that Q replied to. Q then confirms the minute deltas are between minute timestamps (for now), that a [10] minute delta occurred, and delta markers. Q confirms that delta markers are used differently from other markers. While the [#2] marker, introduced in Q post #247, refers to Andrew McCabe because he was the second in command at the FBI, in the context of deltas, [5] refers to a [5] minute delta and not the number five. After the [5] minute delta in the [15]-[10]-[5] minute delta sequence, anons now know to "use The Clock" by noting the delta between a Q post and a POTUS tweet or retweet (and later between two POTUS tweets or retweets) and make a side by side graphic with the post and tweet in the same time zone. Q also confirms minute deltas are between minute timestamps (for now), that a [5] minute delta occurred, and delta markers; and foreshadows to a countdown using delta markers.
On January 6th, 2018, Q mentions a clock for the first time relating to deltas besides in post #370 which referred to a clock for the "10 days of darkness" and not The Clock. The "markers" Q is referring with The Clock are the delta markers revealed so far [15], [10], and [5]. Q also confirms through a reply that the marker [P_Pers] means "POTUS Personal", or President Trump's personal device.
On January 7th, 2018, Q introduces deltas between two POTUS tweets or retweets, the [1] minute delta, and the [0] minute delta, then defines The Clock and its significance, importance, and use through an example in real time. Q starts the sequence early on January 7th, 2018 by misspelling "when" as "win". Q confirms the [15] minute delta between POTUS tweets and implies anons have a "lock" on the [15]-[10]-[5] minute deltas. Q points out POTUS quoted Michael Goodwin, referring back to Q’s misspelling. POTUS also misspelled "consequential" as "consensual". Q then introduces the [1] minute delta. After POTUS corrects the misspelling of "consensual" with "consequential", therefore adding a Q with a [1] minute delta, Q confirms the [1] minute delta, reviews what happened in this real time example, and introduces the [0] minute delta. Q then defines The Clock, or deltas between Q and POTUS or between POTUS and himself, as an irreplaceable tool to establish communication.
Since this milestone real time example that defined The Clock, Q has executed over 30 [0] minute deltas (where Q posts seconds before POTUS tweets or retweets). In post #2779, Q makes clear that seconds matter for deltas now after establishing the idea of The Clock and deltas. After 8chan was shut down and Q needed to establish a new tripcode on 8kun, The Clock was used to verify Q was indeed Q; in addition to making a new private board with Q’s old tripcode before needing the new tripcode and posting the watch, pen, and notebook as a picture proof. Q executed two [0] minute deltas to verify the new tripcode on the new private board.
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On November 25th, 2019, Q creates a new personal board where only Q can post. After posting in that new board then creating the new tripcode, Q posts using the new tripcode while executing a [0] minute delta with a POTUS tweet. Q then posts again confirming the [0] minute delta, and calling for another [0] minute delta by posting [-1], or less than a minute delta. Q executes the second [0] minute delta (impressively just a 7 second delta) when posting the side by side of the first [0] minute delta.
Q hinted in post #2948 that an exact [0:00:00] minute delta is the eventual goal, yet explains in post #2701, #2702 and #2703 that due to lag "Maybe one day we’ll hit 0:00:00". Q has added other deltas including a [17] minute delta, a [30] day delta, and a [1 year] delta (the non-minute deltas are usually between a Q post and an event). Similar to the "consensual" to "consequential" correction example, POTUS tweeted a seemingly random "q" then corrected it by deleting it using a [17] minute delta. Other examples of The Clock and deltas can be found by reading crumbs.
The Clock is a figure of speech or metaphor but its implications are real.
Q and POTUS "use" The Clock, or deltas between Q and POTUS or between POTUS and himself, to establish communication, verify legitimacy, and shout out to the anons who spread Q’s information.
How to "use" The Clock:
When Q posts or POTUS tweets, check the timestamp
If Trump tweets after Q posts or Trump tweets again, check the delta in minutes or seconds for a [0] minute delta
If there is a significant delta marker used ([0], [1], [5], [10], [15], [17], etc), make a side by side graphic showing the delta
Check for any communications there might be hidden within it
Post it, discuss it, and spread it!
An example confirmed by Q in post #2948 (color changed to fit this graphic).
Useful links:
Please see:
Qpress org for teferencees.
Also, check out Clockwork Qrange #12 in the catalog.
Clockwork is the longest standing specialty board in qresearch for a reason. Q had us set it up.