Dr Baker gets savage on fuckbook
Dear "Super Spreaders" aka "Pro Vaxx", your logic has never made sense. Your "logic" makes less sense now than ever. You got tricked into injecting an experimental shot with questionable ingredients, no long term studies, and serious "side effects" into your body. When this shot creates damage to your body, the manufacturer has ZERO liability. You STILL have to wear a mask because you are an asymptomatic carrier. You have a higher viral load in your body than the non-"vaccinated" and you are infecting people around you. YET… Somehow you think that the people who are healthy are the problem. The healthy people (us) stay home when we get coronavirus, a cold, or whatever. We heal, build immunity, and move on. YOU are walking around the streets like a leper, bitching about a "pandemic" that you are fueling. Its ok if you want to be a lab rat but please don't ask sane people who think for themselves to get in the cage with you.