like border it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen
witness the destruction - abandoned disregard for life or humanity
pure lust for power and control
disgusting atortraitor
like border it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen
witness the destruction - abandoned disregard for life or humanity
pure lust for power and control
disgusting atortraitor
someone gained of function early from the covid amplifier of morbidities
-took out jobs , naturally
slimy indeed
someone asks this dude if he even based…, never heard of dr fauci -dr evil hound dr death
notice how they are always so pretentious about covering up their face - spread the disease
heres one, or two, maybe three –
fauck off pos no brained pussy, faaaaaauuuck you!
Science = dirty masks
but easily discard the real clean and worthwhile practice of
staying away from people aand especially not doing the unlawful thing of preying on and sniffing and holding tight liddle liddle girls in the presence of the nation and molest her with your creepy ways =- pedo JOE!!!
washing hands
stop being a super spreader JOE
obongo super spreader events - inconsistencies only prove the damning lies
everlasting shame and cancellation
sunshine supplements good eating
i have ptsd watching this shit - not kidding , for real, not a joke
sign me up for the class action tort on his crimes
he gets the bleu maddcow snatch medal of stupid award
commies must be replaced by the people demanding from the market the best ! remove them ,replace them , or sell off the company . now . like school boards and elected officials
everyone is in on the take
why would n't they be laughing thar poo pussies off? and so many willing to take a bite off that apple..,
temptation is the name bday vineyard theme party pan cuomo garden