Just a thought…
Video indicating worldwide catastrophe in 2 years
Q indicates a new nation in 1052
Q indicates we will see a new world in 2450
Lets assume the 10th planet flyby is real and becomes mainstream knowledge while the vax/anti-vax debate rages.
I would assume the vaxed would get priority to access the underground bunkers while the unvaxed get stuck on the planet surface to die.
Note what Q said in 1052
"You elected us to do the heavy lifting"
Perhaps the space force is meant to save the unvaxed at the last minute and truly take us to a new world…
We are going to show you a new world. (literally)
Those who are blind will soon see the light (the vaxed will realize they are not safe in the tunnels as they watch the light of the spaceforce retreating from Earth with the unvaxed)
A brave new world lies ahead (new planet for those who have not taken the mark of the beast)
We take this journey together (all anons will be saved)
One step at a time (to convince the sheep to awake or to to get vaxed so we'll know they are still sheep)