Dr Anthony Fauci interview on Australian TV 5 Aug 2021
Mandating vaccines and the freight of legal implications - someone can sue you for trying to force you, as it were. - Anthony Fauci
(ABC730 5Aug2021)
S.P.A. by Shorey
Interview with Laura Tingle on ABC TV AUstralia
New interview with Dr Fauci re Covid Vaccines and more
1:32 Fauci:The problem is now that we've gotten that core group of about 93 million people who are still eligible that's a group that's been somewhat resistant. So we've got to do a bunch of things we've got to continue to outreach we've got to get trusted messengers out there clergy, family physicians, trusted members and admired members, sports figures we're doing the young because we only have about 40 percent of the young eligible vaccinated so we're doing things like getting rap groups and Instagram groups and people like that, that interact with the younger people so we're really putting in a really f as we say in the basketball analogy a full court breasts [press].
02:27 There is um a political divide here where when you look at the countries that are fundamentally red states or Republican dominance. We're having a proportion…about 40[%] of all the new infections in the United States are recovering in two states Florida and Texas 20 plus percent of all the infections are occurring in Florida.
03:32 Tingle: So you've talked a bit about the vaccine hesitancy problem and then also the political divide on the vaccines what are your public health policy options in such a situation?
03:41 Fauci: It is but we have what I think is going to be a solution coming soon there is a reluctance Laura, to do mandating of vaccines from the Federal level, at the level…authorities at the local level are hesitant to mandate vaccines because of the freight of the legal implications that if they don't have a licensed vaccine someone can sue you for trying to force you, as it were.
04:24 However, once you get a vaccine fully…be in our institution you've got to get vaccinated that will encompass a substantial proportion of the young people you will get major industries I don't know what they will be you know Oil Companies, Amazon, Microsoft, whatever, it's gonna be I I don't know if, I'm just naming them, empirically.
05:08 Fauci: On immunizing children we feel um you know our decision Laura I know it's controversial uh we feel you really need to get the children vaccinated uh they will get infected they will spread it inadvertently and innocently because most of them would likely not get severely ill they could be asymptomatic spreaders so we've got to get the kids vaccinated because this is a very very uh transmissible virus.
06:08 The most likely scenario is that this was a natural evolution from an animal model an animal host into the human host.
[as it were? as it is, Tony, mandating is forcing]