>>14290590 (Previous Notable)
San Francisco sheriff’s deputies threaten to quit over COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Isn't your medical information supposed to be private? How are they getting these numbers?
>>14290590 (Previous Notable)
San Francisco sheriff’s deputies threaten to quit over COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Isn't your medical information supposed to be private? How are they getting these numbers?
Maybe this is why Ivermectin works
Ivermectin, sold under the brand name Stromectol among others, is a medication that is used to treat parasite infestations
Nobody listens
Chemical and Biochemical Aspects of Molecular Hydrogen in Treating Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19
Kawasaki disease (KD) is a systemic vasculitis and is the most commonly acquired heart disease among children in many countries, which was first reported 50 years ago in Japan.
Kawasaki-like disease caused by COVID-19 shares some symptoms with KD, referred to as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and has been reported in the United States, Italy, France, England, and other areas of Europe, with an almost 6–10 times or more increase compared with previous years of KD prevalence. Hydrogen gas is a stable and efficient antioxidant, which has a positive effect on oxidative damage, inflammation, cell apoptosis, and abnormal blood vessel inflammation. This review reports the chemical and biochemical aspects of hydrogen gas inhalation in treating KD and COVID-19.