I think this is what is going on
or something similar
http:// www.instructables.com/id/How-to-hide-one-image-in-another-An-introduction-/
I think this is what is going on
or something similar
http:// www.instructables.com/id/How-to-hide-one-image-in-another-An-introduction-/
Take a look at the link below
having hit that thing from several angles, it looks like something similar to this is going on
I got nowhere, but I am not qualified either
>http:// www.instructables.com/id/How-to-hide-one-image-in-another-An-introduction-/
I going with this having hit it from multiple angles
if you open with a linux txt editor, you see all the oo/oo/oo/oo/oo for eternity at top and bottom.
don't bogart the memo
I'm blaming IC
they should be on top of this
not a samsung issue
1st time i disagree with him - may be disinfo
ty anon
That attack was for real last night. GW said he was taken down 3 or 4 times. Above his paygrade. wow
lol, nailed it
>Mueller needs to concentrate on staying out of prison.
no doubt
the reason Q says POTUS is not on the plate