60/40 ? or maybe that is what we 'fought' for … maybe it was only supposed to 80/20
i been thinking that
60/40 ? or maybe that is what we 'fought' for … maybe it was only supposed to 80/20
i been thinking that
actually.. i was thinking the other way around.. this EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL TREATMENT was only given to 40% the rest 60% got saline… initailly the plan was 20% experimental and 80% saline.. it would be easier.
thats my .02
why NOT let your enemy think your population got the jab. and know X% got saline. we know this is war.
almost sad. i mean them animals didnt wait long enough for EVERYONE to have a girl.. these girls were the first.. and they were devoured. the could have shown how awesome it was, prolong the magic.. NOPE rape murder behead.