Anonymous ID: 7e11b4 Aug. 7, 2021, 7:18 p.m. No.14294711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4719 >>4726 >>4767 >>4866 >>4952

The OWL & The [Y]


There are many debates we’ve seen as to whether or not the OWL is connected with Baphomet. But what if we told you there is a connection and we can prove it?


One of the original people who uncovered the connection between the Owl (Sophia/wisdom), and Baphomet was Dr. Hugh J. Schonfield. He used the Hebrew ATBASH cipher to figure out how the Knights Templar were connected to Baphomet. The ATBASH Cipher is a substitute cipher where the first letter of the alphabet is substituted for the last. We made a graph explaining this here (Feel free to save and share)


Applying the ATBASH Cipher on the word Baphomet (בפומת) using the Hebrew alphabet, in reverse, it translates to “Sophia”, which in Greek is translated to “Wisdom”. In Greek mythology, the Owl traditionally represents Gnostic wisdom and also accompanies the Goddess Athena, who was also the Goddess of wisdom.


Why is Sophia (gods wisdom) often paired with Baphomet? Why is it the exact reversal of the word? Why did occultist Éliphas Lévi depict Baphomet as a hermaphrodite horned being?


In alchemy, the letter [Y] represents the Rebis or Alchemical Hermaphrodite, the union of opposites; a divine hermaphrodite indicated by the male and female head within a single body. This is the ultimate goal in alchemy; a purified and higher state of being. Doesn’t it look a lot like a [Y] head?


In another example we can see the alchemical hermaphrodite actually holding a letter [Y].

Sophia, the knowledge or wisdom, is the the result of this alchemical unification. The symbols and words were coded in order to hide this knowledge. Did people endowed with this knowledge pervert it in order to obtain power over the world?


Lot more. Good read.