Like that bread title because it is exactly what I was thinking. Woke teachers unions don't want to go to the schools and actually teach the children? Well, we have a "vaccine" now! Hey teachers, we have a great vaccine if you are scared of "COVID"! Take the jab and back to class you go!
PDJT was incredible with this line of reasoning, imo: 1. Pandemic still going on? Well, then get vaccinated! 2. Don't want the "vaccine"? Well then acknowledge the "virus" does not harm children and they don't tend to spread it. Schools have not been shown to be sites of transmission to any degree. The teachers and their unions have no alternative but to admit the "pandemic" is over for school children and its time to get back into classrooms.
If the "vaccine" takes down some woke perverts who want to groom and indoctrinate the children that might just be okay. "Hoist by their own petard" is the phrase, I think.