So THIS is what The Plan has boiled down to? Instead of our children being trafficked, we have to watch our brainwashed loved ones be horribly poisoned??
Blue state anon on an Island here. I'd gladly trade places with a Patriot operator if it meant that I could protect my own which I'm sure is the case. Also, a bit of daily face-to-face comradery would be awfully welcomed after 3+ years of digital service. But for God's sake do NOT make us continue to watch our loved ones being led to the slaughter.
>perfect for the normies
You mean our echo chamber. Seriously fren, diminishing returns much?
I'm holding out for the "Warp Speed Plan to Change-Out the Poison With Saline" reveal.
Fukk you. Some anons in Blue states have watched helplessly as their brainwashed loved ones took the jab.
If anons keep talking in the past tense about the victims of this heinous plot, heartbroken anons will leave. I still have faith that POTUS and the Patriots would NEVER have allowed innocent Americans to be poisoned like this. So STFU.
If Patriots are sitting back and allowing this potential genocide to proceed then they have looked too long into the abyss and are in danger of becoming the monsters they are fighting.
Don't be so glib, fren. There have been countless reports of death and dozens of notable experts cited here claiming that the vaxxcine may even be WORSE than death.
Thank you fren. Thought I was alone here. Bless.
gore shill spells P-A-N-I-C
That's rationalizing BS. "All fake news brainwashed Americans are making an informed decision". BS.