Where are we at Patriots?
The Enemy wants us divided so they use the media (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) to dispirit us.
Are we standing firm?
We'll win.
And it won't be through fake elections.
Where are we at Patriots?
The Enemy wants us divided so they use the media (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) to dispirit us.
Are we standing firm?
We'll win.
And it won't be through fake elections.
What other choice do we have faggot?
Are we supposed to starve to death for your principles?
You're trying, and by "trying" I mean "failing" to divide us.
And you, like the Chinese Communist Party, are failing.
Amazing how all these mask and social distancing mandates are affecting so fuse of us.
I live in Communist Milwaukee and I haven't worn a mask in months.
I work in Communist Illinois and I'm not wearing a mat or social distancing.
Fox, GWP, Brietbart = hate/anger porn
just lie CNN, MSNBC, FOX = HATE/ANGER porn.