I think it is even more sinister than that, in many ways.
I think it was a tool on the shelf and they reached for it when they wanted to justify election law changes and authoritarian power grabs. It also came at a time when the economy was about to explode. Many, many people missed the economic disaster unfolding in 2019. https://wallstreetonparade.com/2020/05/evidence-suggests-u-s-financial-crisis-started-on-august-14-2019/
Basically, covid-19 was a many birds with one stone option. Change election laws. Slam the brakes on monetary velocity, dicks out for the gestapo, and create a new fear paradigm. It was something perhaps planned for a little later, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Why does china go along with it?
Mao was bankrolled by Kissinger the like. No investment like stock in Nation, Inc. Further, China is materially dependent upon the U.S. dollar to underwrite its purchase of raw material for their industry. So of course they are going to go along with it. They need the U.S. to keep buying more than we need them to keep manufacturing.
Anyway - perhaps some of the elite think something is in the vaccine. I am generally of the opinion that they have found another use for it. It isn't about what is in the vaccine. It is about breaking down the idea of individual liberty and creating division. I refuse to take the vaccine merely because I can, and I will bite the fuck out of anyone who tries to shoot their juice in me. I need no other justification, they have no right to force another to accept a treatment unless they are willing to risk life and limb to forcibly subdue me, and even then, we are a predatory species and I am not one to follow laws when there is no law but power.
Rambling passions aside, that is entirely the idea they want to destroy, that I must evidence my refusal to do something, as though they are some mediator to decide whether to afford me choice or to deny and command.
But this is, again, only part of it. There are now the vaccinated and the unvaccinated and, importantly, this creates a 'pure' and an 'impure' caste. This is easily jusrified because unlike marxist class warfare or nazi race warfare - this is a division system built on choice. Whereas a person can't choose to become part of the aryian race and the bouguese can't choose to become the proletariat …. We can choose to become vaccinated, and thus it is legitimate to treat us as lessers, right? All we have to do is get the vaccine.
The goal, at the moment, is more about creating social classes to control moreso than distract from audits or rig elections. And trying to keep the economy under control - which is problematic at the moment as planned economies suck and therefore the federal reserve is destined to fail. While I think they planned this to some degree, they always assume they can control something, and if they were smart, they would have never bought into the fatal flaws of marxist economic theory in the first place.
The "elites" are marxists, insofar as they believe in Marx's theory of how capitalism works… And rather than saying it was wrong or rejecting it, decided to be the best damned capitalist they could be…. In a theory which basically argues that capitalism will destroy civilization by throttling production to preserve profit.