Cuomo, Newsome.
This seems to be playing out.
Sure 3 years later, but it's starting to play out.
Cuomo, Newsome.
This seems to be playing out.
Sure 3 years later, but it's starting to play out.
Are you just saying bullshit, or did you try it?
What up with the Smell the Darkness memes?
It IP hops across IDs.
I posts five pics at a time.
Just like the fucking shill bots.
I'm filtering but also trying to work out what the fuck they are trying to achieve.
"Take your meds"
These are keywords used by glowworm shills.
Regularly applied to shut down conversations they don't want to happen.
CAn't get torrents to run on my VPN.
Torrent ports detected and blocked.
If there's a special port number set we need then let me know.
I sure as hell will not be running torrents in the clear.
Muhjoo shilling on Sunday morning?
Is this the only time you can get in without the BV banning your sorry ass?
Oh and Israel was called Israel long before there was an English word for it. So your shit as usual is ignorant and wrong.
Made a mistake.
Turned on Faux News.
Lead segment at 9am, while Maricopa, Georgia and Wisconsin are going on is "Cake Flipping", a hot new Tik Tok viral challenge.
Insidious how powerful actively choosing not to cover something is.
Oh do fuck off you clown rat bastard.
Your stench is palpable.
And JIDF? Really? You still hanging onto that fucking bogus bogeyman excuse? - check it out Anons.
I didn't censor shit you disingenuous cunt.
I just clearly pointed out you are as usual full of malignant division shill garbage.
You really don't like that do you?
Since April 2018. Yes.