>Pleasantly surprised things haven't descended into total anarchy on QR.
Kek. How do anons distinguish between anarchy and normality?
>Pleasantly surprised things haven't descended into total anarchy on QR.
Kek. How do anons distinguish between anarchy and normality?
Apple has given itself permission to scan your devices for child porn. Are Apple devices secure or not?
Jim Stone makes a cogent point. If your device is secure then how can Apple scan it for images? Quote:
The FACT that Apple is now scanning everyone's phones and data for evidence of "child abuse" is COLD HARD PROOF that ALL, (every single one) and I MEAN ALL Apple devices never had any security at all. APPLE SECURITY IS A CON JOB. IT DOES NOT EXIST.
You might as well take your most sensitive documents and throw them out on the street with all the passwords included (for credit cards) because EVEN WHEN ENCRYPTED apple has ZERO security, the encryption is a hoax if, as they state, they'll be looking at all your encrypted stuff, fully decrypted, too.
They are NOT looking for "child abuse", don't kid yourself with that - they are looking for tactical data and ways to destroy any business that does not mandate covid passports. They are looking for all vax resisters. IN SHORT: Apple is scanning everyone's devices for the intelligence (someone) needs to complete their genocide. It's that simple folks.
Big Pharma will be destroyed. Their profitability depends on maintaining the virus myth which is losing credibility by the day.
From the article: Polls also suggest 60-70% of French support the health pass though half of those questioned said they understood the protesters.
Fake poll to feign support for an odious policy. We're not buying this crap.
The Youtube suspension was just for show. Sky News is controlled opposition.
Are we seeing more deaths of public figures than usual? I dunno.
Cut off from babies' blood and taking the vax. They aren't living longer anymore.
I'll keep pretending while I'm waiting for your report.
>In a sane world, it should go without saying that this is not just false, but also absurd and dangerous.
Desperately trying to convince us that there is no such thing as death by government.
Repeat after us: the government is beneficent and cares only about your health and well-being.
Keep repeating that all the way to the gulag.
>Where do you think muh 6 million went?
Where do you think Soylent Green comes from?
What the fuck is in the vaccines???
At the rate of 25k signatures per day, it's gonna take a while.
>Of course, you'll never think that if you watch MSM exclusively, but it's there.
The clues are all over the MSM. It's just that the brain dead aren't paying attention.
But, yeah, the Deep State is in overdrive. Expending ammo like there's no tomorrow.
The Q Team is calling the shots, for sure.
Thank you for the daily black pill. Goes down well with my cognac.
>How QAnon convinced a Parkland shooting survivor's dad that the tragedy was a hoax
How could he not know already? What a dumb narrative. That "journalist" should be fired for telling such a stupid lie.
It is about an attempt at world domination. Think bigger, anon. This is a war on multiple fronts.
>Bannonโs audience alone could muster that.
Undoubtedly. Many underestimate his power. The Deep State is making a mistake by trying to ignore him. Kek.
That meme is priceless.
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
> It must be really scary to finally be waking up - hard for anons to fathom becaise in many cases we have been awake for decades.
Exactly. I find it impossible to imagine myself just waking up. Guess it would be scary.
Yes. That's why the hashes are different. Steganography?
Aside: "steganography" is not a word on dictionary.com.
>Doubt if there is any magic bullet except just don't use a smart phone.
I'm in the category of people who have never owned or even used a smart phone.
Still don't know what they're good for. Desktop PC all the way.
>Lets help these Tyson workers out.
We can't fight their battles for them. They need to man up and refuse. Simple as that.
>No, the CDC is government.
CDC is a private corporation like the Federal Reserve.
>The goal is a comprehensive digital identity, combining oneโs health data and vaccine status with banking and other personally identifiable data.
I'm taking bets on the Deep State falling flat on its face with this because their brain dead minions don't have the smarts to pull off the tech. Less ambitious projects than this have failed. Obamacare floundered because they couldn't make a web site that worked (which ought to have been the easy part). They're kicking out the good techies for the sake of diversity and muh vaccine.
Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and the other Deep State players have been running on fumes for years. They can't do anything more than tweaks to a pre-existing software base. If they try to do anything ambitious, the whole house of cards falls down.
The Cabal wants to use technology to rule the world? They're betting on us to be too stupid to realize that the emperor has no clothes.
>Under this regime, CDC is government.
It is facism, anon. Private corporations colluding with government.
Nah. Just ditch the phone. It demands too much of your attention. Desktop is fine. Use it when you need it and ignore it when you don't. Technology should be at your command, not the other way around.
>psychosomatic blood clots?
Maybe not the blood clots but I theorize that the claims of symptoms experienced by the unvaccinated exposed to the vaccinated might be psychosomatic.
Plenty that we don't know. Both sides of the debate have been gaslighting us with theories and speculation.
Expand your mind, anon.