Wanted to share a story…it's a good one. My kid works in retail and a customer approached her and redpilled her better than I can. See…she will listen to customers cause she has to. She listens to me if I'm interesting.
First thing she said, he asked her what a RINO was, did she know. She didn't (I've told her a million times) and when the guy tried coming up with NONAME's name, he couldnt (!!! KEK) I kinda laughed and said "I guess we DON'T say his name) he just said some RINO from Arizona. In any case, with customers frowning, he taught my kid a lot. She's registered to vote, he encouraged her to RESEARCH first. He went on a rant about college kids (despite her being one) who will just argue and he thanked her for just listening to him.
I'm still laughing at her though (What's a RINO? I thought it was an animal)
Morning Anons…may it be a productive day. I hope I encourage some with my story. Mobile red-pillers are amazing.