This seems to me like aLimited HJangout
An operation used by the CIA when they cannot avoid a certain amount of unveiling of secrets
The limited hangout goes along with the disclosure and then diverts people's attention away from the unveiling and into some rathole or other that allows the CIA to regain control of the situation.
However, this illustrates animportant point
The Cabal has all but admitted that they perverted the Constitution
And that the way out for We The People
Is the Restoration of the Republic as envisioned by the original Constitution
However, that action has to be done openly by the people rising up together
Like Rand Paul says
But NOT by delegating it to some court or other
And certainly not by handing control to some group who see it as a money grab.
In fact, some of the post-1776 developments
Like the amendments and the constitutional case law
Would likely be kept, perhaps in a revised form
By a new Constitutional Convention of the people.
Also, such a convention could well begin the process of cleaning the legislation
Which has diverged from the Constitution
Let's not forget
Thatthe former United States of America
Was created by a union of states
And that the 50 sovereign states do still exist
And function more or less.
The real route to Restoration
Is first, to get every state in order
And then for the 50 states to form a Constitutional Convention.
Say no to Clowns and their LIMITED HANGOUTS
Say yes to a reasonable and rational approach
Fix things first on your local and county levels
Then get your state in order
The nation can function as 50 sovereign states
For a considerable period of time
Long enough to get the house in order
No need for hurried actions to solve imaginary ancient grievances
Focus on today
Focus on reforming what is in place
Remove the tumors
Reshape the dysfunctional parts into a healthy whole