Lots of activity going up into Canada…most of it not squawking ADSB. Today there are a lot of tankers and had a JSTARS up there, but they're almost back home now. Many other heavies and VIPs in the past couple of days, including today. Guess if you're going to have an exercise or op in the Canadian wilderness you better do it in the 10 days it isn't covered in 10 ft of snow.
It's scarier when they put a magazine in the rifle. kek
Our Chinese cargo bird looks like he's headed back home. Over Russia now and once past Kazakstan will be back in China after a shopping trip in Moscow and Minsk. Anons wonder…for what?
Xian = western peace
A Nord composing Chinese music. Not bad at all.
Nothing says Howdy Neighbor! like a B52 broadcasting his position to the world off your coast.