Aviators represent "Biden"?
44 X/cross/cut in half/"double cross" Biden? o=15=3pm, bo/6o/63/'63/JFK
44 double-cross 46 63/JFK
X cut in half makes "11" or K for Kamala
o=15=6… 2+6=8 for H[arris]
the "44" there looks like "77" also, 27=J+F+K
Middle X looks like an hourglass/soap opera reference/"looking glass" to go along with aviators? Days of our Lives/As The World Turns
77=27=JFK X cut in half makes II/2 for JFKJR
"bo" makes "6o" JFKJR born '60 (11-25-60), "b" made to dub as a "Q"
4+4=8 X=24=2x4=8 '63/JFK
bo that also makes 6o or 615 combined with X=10 and 4+4=8 makes 6-15-18… could refer to their little preparatory predictive programming episode in NV/AZ that I see constantly referenced by clowns on twitter to prove "QAnon people" are "dangerous terrorists" on 6-15-18, tweeted 4;28?
Whatever it is they're up to, betting it's not charity work.