Shitting in the bread…. shitting in the bread….. we will come rejoicing….. shitting in the breeeeeeead……lol……. I shouldn't be able to shit in bread if bakers have their shit together.
Nope… nothing to see here…. move along folks….. just go home….O, you don't want to go home…. well let me just mandate it….. and now……. tadaaaaaa…… get the fuck back in your houses.
Digits prove…. you're a useless cunt…. click.
Useless cunt x 2…. next IP loser.
Now that's just embarrassing….lol….. total useless cunt…lol.
Wanna cry some more…. useless cunt.
C'mon…. he's had a taste of the good life….. he just neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds more money….Don't be so harsh…lol.
Apple is helping the law now?… or just gathering pics?