They thought we were all a bunch of toothless redneck cowboys. They never in their wildest dreams imagined that whole armies of their betters would arrive and make sport of their handiwork. When an agency can only make cases by committing crimes, it isn't a law enforcement agency anymore. It is a criminal enterprise.
Somebody dumped a vaultload. Or took a huge put position on futures.
Have it on good authority that the AUS/NZ population is NOT as disarmed as is believed. Also the commies vastly overestimate their ability to command the security services against the citizens. The rank and file and soldiers and police are on a tripwire to deliver an unpleasant surprise to any politician or bureaucrat that thinks they will level muzzles on their brothers and fathers…those same tyrants might find themselves in history's dust bin. Everyone has had enough of the bullshit.
There's an old saying…If it's time to bury the guns, it's time to dig them up.
The joke back then was the only way a laser was going to kill someone was if we dropped it on them. They were huge and weak. How things have changed. Fast forward 40 years, and now you can hold in your hand one that will burn a hole through you in an instant. Or instantly blind many adversaries as fast as they can be targeted. Of course this is illegal, but we're not dealing with the nice guys anymore. Hell is on the field.
US Marines feel as described. Only much more so. Killing freedom seeking patriots under ANY flag or authority would be a hard stop. ANTIFA doesn't join the US Marines. Patriots do. Commies are drunk on their own power.