lol what AJ has achieved is quite the opposite to their orignial mission now that we know what he is up to.
Woke up a lot of people despite his crazy acting and real intention.
lol what AJ has achieved is quite the opposite to their orignial mission now that we know what he is up to.
Woke up a lot of people despite his crazy acting and real intention.
Five Point Two
That only works this way
Where is the best place in the US to spot a UFO?
"The X-Files" may have come and gone, but if viewers want to spot a UFO, perhaps they should trek across the U.S. instead of turning on their TV., an independent provider of online casino reviews and information, found that states like Wyoming and Vermont offer the best odds of seeing a UFO, at 205-to-1 and 250-to-1, respectively, based off population data.
There have been 2,854 and 2,493 sightings, in Wyoming and Vermont, respectively, since 1940, according to
States with the lowest odds are Florida, Texas and New York at 3485-to-1, 3395-to-1 and 2584-to-1, respectively.
California has seen the highest number of UFO sightings, at 23,419. Other states that have a high number of UFO sightings include Texas, at 8,334 sightings, New York at 7,641 sightings and Missouri, ironically nicknamed "The Show-Me State," at 7,467.
New Mexico, where 6,273 UFO sightings have been reported, is home to the famous Roswell incident. In 1947 a UFO purportedly crash landed, alien bodies were recovered and the U.S. government engaged in a cover-up, according to countless conspiracy theories.
Lisa Bennett, marketing executive, said the company started looking into Area 51 for its blog "and we thought it would be interesting to calculate the odds of sighting a UFO within each state of the U.S."
According to data compiled by "UFO Sightings Desk Reference" co-author Cheryl Costa, July 4 represents 2.11 percent of the 121,000 UFO sightings from 2001 through 2015, more than any other specific date in the calendar.
Costa theorized this might be due to association with the movie "Independence Day," or more likely, a great number of people being outside looking at fireworks.
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The number of UFO related articles seem to be more frequent??? What's going on?
You are batshit crazy as well.
You forgot a07d2a
Do you think Alex Jones is crazy?
Dumb motherfuckers can also sound crazy to smart motherfuckers.
Peter Schiff
U British?
Of course not.
Q should probably make an official statement regarding the shape of the earth, and all those FE shills can gtfo.