I think it's Obama / Clinton. Cuomo is a Clinton lieutenant, perhaps, and there will be retaliation. I think the future battle is Chelsea / Mike.
Bidan should have been able to hold the Obama bash under wraps, but Obama was forced to say he was going to cur back, and had to pull a fuck you, that was alos brought out.
Jill is a mystery, From Tokyo back to WR, then radio silence. Fishy as hell Harris makes things worse whenever she is trotted out somewhere. Didn't hear about them or Bidan on MV, which is strange in itself. Heels, Jill unlikeability might blow back on Mike, maybe. Not sure.
Bidan can't stand on his own, needs Obama.
Clinton's smelling blood, I think, and someone is going to pay for Cuomo.
Birthday party was a mistake, I think. Timing and optics, along with Bidan CDC saying no mandatory vax there.