oh good, shills are getting deplatformed
just leave it exposing the shills for now, make another section for that shit outside of the globals
shits going down this month or it doesn't go down at all
if it's happening it's this month or never, military mandatory vaxxes are a thing as of sept 1
hi babyfist
fda approval fine, compromised agency approval
meanwhile iceland and israel are having a brutal time with the vax. No one is even debating the vax anymore on 4chan, only threats are being made. It's been proven toxic and there is no more argument.
This is the precipice. If the military is forced to take the vax it means those in the military who disagree will leave. Those who agree are either followers or soldiers who like a tyranical Gov't. This is the great filter.
It's this month, or never.
you are correct, which makes this the precipice. If the military is forced to take the vax, those who disagree will leave. Leaving followers and those who want a tyrannical satanic government in the military. The great filter.
If the military is established with only evil people and npc followers in it's ranks, it's over.
it's not what china wants from where I stand, but what the nwo wants. China was set up to become the greatest super power in the world decades ago. Listen to Leo Zagami in his project camelot interview from 2007.
The US wont be invaded, only subjected to tyranny.
how's the larp going, everywhere I look you faggots are getting laughed out
kek!shills going to get rid of the globals, funny thing is if you faggots do, you will only ever just be shitting up the bread. You retards think your conjobs are clever, but everyone here sees through them.
sounds like some kind of comms
I pray it goes downโฆ and I pray the executions are live
only shills don't like the globals as isโฆ gotta sell muh mcafee nfts