Fauci says that mutations are more powerful. He is full of shit. Mutations spell the end of life for any virus. Their emergence is due to herd immunity. The herd always wins.
Some Call It a Fiesta
Kek. Giant 3d printed effigies should be torched nightly, just to piss him and that cuck of a liberal professor that recommended anti-fauci speech be made a hate crime. Fuck those fuckers!
Anon cannot even meme correctly on the pots. There's a Trump2020's chance that he could successfully 3d print a dot, let alone a giant fake fauc. But if there were digital soldiers watching, making fauci masks makes sense. If the sheeple become combative, put on their hero's visage, and poof, they go to their knees in automatic response
Semen antics. We both know the end result.
Anon was there for many. The time one was a fave. What a time we had discussing time. Reverse causalities aside, isn't there some de'ja vu here already?
Dubs checked, but you'd better be an insurance guy, or else.
This is what anon sees