You are fucking filtered faggot.
It is not about Jews cunt, it is about the CCP and if you don't see that, then stare down through the bottom of your bottle of Manneschevitz and feel sorry for yourself. None of us do. L'Chaim! Mozzeltoz! You are totally not on the radar screen and unimportant muh joo. Sorry, not going to let you slide it, fag.
CDC's write up about the Jansen shot:
>There are alternatives to any "vax"
AFLD will literally and unironically, unapologetically give you a "telehealth" consultation for $ 90, give you a letter, and prescribe you whatever prophylactics you might possibly need. One of my guys did it. I am holding out if/until they mandate the shot and masks.
Where are you gary? I cannot hear you. Post again under another IP. I am the anon known as 4chan. The salt must flow. You must cease to exist.
Come on gary. Engage me. Come to the railyard. Fire at will.
I will fuck her if I get the chance. I never knew that I would be attracted to a muzzie shitskin but I want to fuck her and deposit my unvaxed sperm in her.