99% survival rate, quit being a pussy.
quit lying we know you have no friends. The only people in hospitals are tik tok nurses planning their next number before Nuremburg 2.
Eat right, exercise, and quit being a little bitch. That is a start.
in a giving mood tonight.
and you would be right, the entire health care system will have to be gutted and most of it is because doctors pushed these experiments on unknowing people. Disgusting, and sorry if you are legit been a rough day for myself as well. But it is strange Trump signs in right to try, but we are not allowed to try to experiment on ourselves using medical reports of hydroxy and ivermectin, but only allowed to experiment with things they deem ok. Sort of defeats the purpose.
sadly he sounds like he is past that point where some of the other thing could help him Hydroxy still could but the issue is getting the prescribed by doctors, at this point just dont let him get put on a ventilator, that is a death sentence sorry for your family in this time. Prayer is the best option right now. Because once in the hands of the so called medical professionals its not a good place to be. God bless ya and stay strong.
never giving up, i let my righteous anger fuel me for those i love and have lost and those i have yet to love in this battle. Sometimes i let the monster out for a while only to reign him back in but, still here trying to give people a laugh or a jab in the right direction. We as anons stumble and fall, but what binds us together is we get back the fuck up and fight another day. We are stubborn sons of bitches, ornery, sometimes horny but always faithful and determined to protect those in need.
we are all feeling that way i think, its getting harder, and i do as many try to find solace in Christ no matter the denomination, and even as i question many things i have learned and am learning through this battle about what is true and what is not i know that there was a man who died on a hill for all our sins to be forgiven. We remember that and we try to fight back those demons that attack us in our own lives as well because that promise is what gives us all hope for a better tomorrow. You got this. Think of Simon of Cyrene, we lift each other up one falls another helps him rise. I know i let my anger get the better of me most days but i also know i got you fags to fall back on when i need it. So keep it up soldier.