Here's your sign
Please help us understand that You in your Glory have given us a right to choose.
We do not recognize the authority of man.
We recognize the authority of your word, which is Truth.
We will put faith in your natural order, and trust Your guidance.
In Jesus' name we Pray
Choose Wisely
Paratus Comitatus
Do not lose Faith Anon. This is our final test. You are here for a reason. Hold the line. Remember, there are Sheepdogs out there that are alone, cutoff, isolated, and completely in the dark.
This may be their only means of communication across time and space. Help them know they are not fighting for nothing. Some may never return from this, in order that you and your family will live free.
We hear you. We see you. We will not give up on you. Stay strong. Trust in the Word.
Veritas Aequitas
Thank you Anon. No meme skills here. You Anons are geniuses. Its perfect.
You are never forgotten.
Always there for the last. I saw it then. Miss you man, wherever you are.
Even the ugly Truth must be available. Anon wishes that part could be skipped if true.
Thank you. Its the visions for me. Not used to that. Patience saved me 4 nights ago. It was the only way.