RUMP announces its swampgasses release before big drop
RUMP gets swampgasses from jew coCIAne
RUMP signal s yuge passing of wind watch water
RUMP launches assburgers over israeli homo superiority white powder seo snowflake spamdemic
RUMP predicts violent purge of dookies with last homo gasses release
larpers swoon over RUMP homo gasses released predicitons yuge droppings
dookie expresses homo feels for RUMP jew coCIAne homo gasses
electrolytes keeping it real
oh wow
so danielfaggot
much larp
such suggestive
very decieve
so anounced its self and devices
RUMP used finger to point at clogs in conflict >>14311495
dookie on dookie smear barfday anounced before gender reveal forrest fire
RUMP arrests boston steamer with courtesy flush before yuge release
RUMP builds pressure before swampgas signals
RUMP postures volcano over watch water during FIB investigates russian probe launced against wall all GEHYAF
RUMP rides GEHYAF1 to new porcelian throne
RUMP previews yuge release dump during pressure leaks while FIB investigates russian probe launced against wall from across room
RUMP fires turd goblin at opposition
photocopied fart laundering economy blamed on RUMP jew coCIAne taxes
trillions of dollars of necromancy chickens try to get into ebots anus with doxxin software secretly launched by bill gehytes
immitaion gefelte lampshades try swinging big dumb eulogy in polyester for FIB agents investigaing russian probe launched against wall from across room
church of foreskin suckin in dark ancestoral whine makes dirty books with gehy wigger jew devil fake church of coCIAne barge island
>church of foreskin suckin in dark ancestoral whine makes dirty books with gehy wigger jew devil fake church of coCIAne barge island
elongapes offers electric bilbo rides as prophecized by xenu's tax launderings
>>church of foreskin suckin in dark ancestoral whine makes dirty books with gehy wigger jew devil fake church of coCIAne barge island
bezos rides yuge sky bilbo with free chittin to ronald reagen heaven to not /b/ wigger wage cuck
>elongapes offers electric bilbo rides as prophecized by xenu's tax launderings
>>>church of foreskin suckin in dark ancestoral whine makes dirty books with gehy wigger jew devil fake church of coCIAne barge island
>bezos rides yuge sky bilbo with free chittin to ronald reagen heaven to not /b/ wigger wage cuck
>>elongapes offers electric bilbo rides as prophecized by xenu's tax launderings
chitty flesh trafficking idolars get caught on Russian potato image board farming cheap chitty symbols
call your sponsor @homo
>Joseph Flynn's twitter account terminated.
>Anyone know when?
it was when jack in the box felt cucked at drive thru hole and homo rage quit
gehy wigger jew devil baby meme
jack is still in the closet over drive thru hole cucked
rss israeli rebuttal fronbutt smear hymanls
JFK fronbutt tranny gets stapled to cottonwood tree