The 'Bashing the Unvaccinated' Narrative Crashes into a Brick Wall
The liberal media is always wrong. that’s the baseline. It may take time for some other narratives but eventually, it all disintegrates after being subjected to facts. Hesitancy is surely among Republicans, but a healthy number of Democrats and Democrat-supporting voter blocs are not getting the shot. In some parts of the country, Trump counties are well ahead of some blue ones with regards to vaccination. It’s not a clear-cut narrative, though more Democratic Party allied groups, like teachers’ unions, are also coming out against COVID vaccine mandates.
Tens of millions of Americans have questions about the vaccine and its long-term effects. Others are simply skeptical of any government mandates. That’s fine. this is a free country and vaccination should be a choice. Nothing says abject failure on messaging when you force people to do something or try to bribe them. There is a limit in our country when it comes to telling people what they can and cannot do. The professional liars at the CDC and NIH are just going to have to accept that, while liberal America needs to realize that a lot of their people are skeptical about the vaccine. Maybe the skepticism wouldn’t be as bad if our experts gave us actual advice and not science fiction.
The NIH director said yesterday that people should wear masks in their homes, especially if they have children who aren’t eligible for the vaccine only to have Fauci, of all people, saying the director misspoke.
What a fiasco.