Observations regarding the bioweapon that is falsely called COVID-19 vaccine
The operating principles of the bioweapon injection
1) The contents of the injection fools the immune system of the human host due to which it’s able to bypass it and penetrate into cells.
2) The contents of the injection instructs the body of the human host to build spike proteins in its cells, which the immune system identifies. What follows then is that the immune system starts attacking every cell that is creating these spike proteins.
The outcome
Antibody dependent enhancement. Which is a form of autoimmune response.
The process
1) The more the cells of the human host produce spike proteins that the immune system identifies, the more antibodies the host body produces.
2) The more the host body produces these antibodies, the more strongly the immune system will attack the body’s own cells that produce those spike proteins.
3) The higher the number of injections that have been put into an individual, the stronger the autoimmune reaction becomes and the more furiously the host’s own biology will destroy the host from inside out.
1) The injection weaponises the biology of the human host to destroy itself from within.
2) The development, acquisitions and retention of these bioweapon injections must be stopped immediately.
1 https://tokentube.net/v/2099539457/Tutkimukset-todistavat-koronarokote-on-tarpeeton
2 https://sciencewithdrdoug.com/2020/08/01/is-a-coronavirus-vaccine-a-ticking-time-bomb/
3 https://swprs.org/covid-vaccines-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly/
4 https://rumble.com/vkopys-a-pathologist-summary-of-what-these-jabs-do-to-the-brain-and-other-organs.html
5 https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/law_war_manual15.pdf section 6.9 and its subsections.