I feel like I've time traveled back to QR 2018 reading these Notables.
These are loaded with yuge finds.
WTF Night Shift well played.
Now watch Day Shift ignore the fuck out of most of themโฆ
I feel like I've time traveled back to QR 2018 reading these Notables.
These are loaded with yuge finds.
WTF Night Shift well played.
Now watch Day Shift ignore the fuck out of most of themโฆ
>Some say that he had a breakdown, I wasn't there to see that so I cannot confirm.
>any other anons can fill in some details?
It's not that complicated.
He said he was going to quit in 2 weeks and kept his word in doing so.
Pic related is the initial mention.
Then the next day I asked if he was serious and he said yes.
His work and family life had suffered so he decided to he needed to pull back bigly.
There's a bread on 7/25 that was basically his advance goodbye edition - shouldn't be too hard to find with qresear.ch.
>you will not bake ever again, tranny.
He already is and prolly will continue to do so.
The only way you can stop him is to be in the Kitchen Baking when he wants to Bake and not handing off.
QR 2021: Chaos in teh Gulch doesn't care about anyone's fee fees.
>BV please ban
It's a new era on QR once again - the banhammer has broken and the shop that fixes them refuses to vaxx so it sits in the inbox.
Basically, there is no admin left except for 1 pass per day by BO and BV WhiteGirls.
QR is a chat room now.
Except for Deep Night Shift which is the only one that still diggs worth a shit (see pb Notables).
>Did Scavino really point to McAfee's Telegram?
Because the Dan on Telecancer is just some LARPer.
o7 - The shills still hate it.
>โฆ.please be realโฆ.
kek looks like you already know it's F&G
At least he has already verified it's really him.
The vast majority of the others on Telecancer that have Grifters/Shills pretending to be them?
Not so much.
I wonder how many LARPs tranny is running on Telecancer?
The shills sure are out in full force this morning pimping their LARPs.
Jim was right about this week glowing.
I think Lin can be added to the list as well.
Maybe Sidney, too.
But, that's about it as it's a very short list of the real deals.
Yep, the next incoming step is to start Baking and loading up the Notables with this latest onslaught of the F&G.
Especially now that QR Declas is over.
I was wondering what took them so long to start this shit up again.
There's little to no admin of the board now.
It's only going to continue to be loaded up with LARPs as time goes on.
Anon discernment has never been moar important than it is now.
Yep, full scale McAfee LARP in progress.
/pol/ laughed them off of half so now they're back on QR pushing it.
>3.26 MILLION viewers so far!!!
That's why the LARPwood shills are pushing McAfee as a distraction right now.
Atodaso the shills were going to load the Notables up with the LARPwood McAfree stuff.