>>14311328 pb
For anyone further interested in this topic beyond Covid, Dan Olmstead was doing a series on the 1916 New York City and North Atlantic polio epidemic, proposing that sugar tainted with arsenic pesticide triggered the outbreak in those with an active polio virus infection. Makes for interesting reading in light of what is being said here.
Same old tricks maybe? This is the conclusion section of the following article:
The 1916 New York City Epidemic of Poliomyelitis: Where did the Virus
Come From?
H.V. Wyatt*
"It is not possible to prove that the 1916 epidemic was
caused by the escape of MV from the Rockefeller Institute.
Neither can we know if there have been other escapes of
poliovirus from laboratories. However it is a remarkable
coincidence that a unique neurotropic strain of poliovirus
was developed a few miles from an epidemic caused by a
uniquely pathogenic strain of the virus. My theory would not
be proved even if it could be shown that a Rockefeller
worker had lived in Brooklyn. Nevertheless such an extraordinary epidemic requires an extraordinary explanation: it is
the only suggestion to be offered so far. Correct or not, it
provides a powerful message for everyone who works with