Only weird part of this story was the child porn they may have thrown on him for good measure. A little over the top, and made little sense.
We should be so lucky as it to be him, but that number is beginning to creep me out a little. It's like a bad Jim Carrey movie.
Meuller is also 7. This could be a contraction of the conve inorder to show "proofs" that they hacve it. I also suspected the T- 12:34 was length of a phone call as it also means time.
Go see the Guardian yesterday. As usual truth mixed with lies. There were three articles about him yesterday. 1) cost to Ecuadorean Govt to keep and spy on him for their govt, but he knew it (had private convos is ladies room) 2.) That new Prez is selling him to the US and 3.) cost to GB for spying on him/waiting to snatch him. And one otherโฆ Oh yeah, that they hate him now. So make it four.
And yes so amazingly successful. At everything! My heroes. Moving on.
JA chatter is very high the last couple of days. good thing too. I was afraid it was an out of sight out of mind >Schwack so sorry! plot line being written. His "deteriorating health" or something. That is why no guests. Someone might poison him Skrypal style.