Putin's family belonged to a Vepsian social club and his daughters were photographed in ethnic Vepsian costumes
Most Russians from the Northwest of the country have some Finno-Ugric ancestry and tend to look similar to their Finnish neighbors
Veps: Finno-Ugric people with ancient roots
However, the Veps have not always been a small people. Once the mighty tribe controlled almost the entire northwest of present-day Russia, occupying an area larger than some European countries. Russian history is closely linked to the Veps; Russia's early chronicle Tale of Bygone Years relates that the decision to invite Rurik's Varangians was made by four tribes – "the Chud, Slovenes, Krivichi and Ves."
The Veps call themselves the descendants of the legendary Ves. The medieval Arabs knew them as Wisu, while an Ostrogothic (Eastern Goth) historian called them Vasina broncas. Most rivers and lakes in this part of the country bear Vepsian names.
When looking at photos like this, Americans tend to be thinking they are looking at white people. NO! In fact you are looking at indigenous aboriginal people living on their ancestral lands since the last Ice Age receded 12,000 years ago.