Anonymous ID: 3af0d4 Possible QResearch improvements? 1/2 April 18, 2018, 3:29 a.m. No.1087867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7871 >>9068






Dear Q/BO/QResearch Staff,

Here are a few "stupid" questions/suggestions here from a non-coder anon.

My talent is in research and making connections, not coding.

I humbly make these suggestions with the aim of making the research threads and the board itself function more efficiently. I hope that if worthy, they are easy to implement.


Question 1: Can we possibly pin the 'Archive Everything!' thread to the first page?


I think that it is important to have this on the first page of, because that is where anons and new anons will come across it if they browse rather than go to a thread directly, and so they will be reminded to “Archive Everything!”.

The more anons that archive everything that is important, the better the risk is spread, the better the insurance.

After all, the research carried out here to prove the public case is the entire reason access has been granted. The more copies that exist, the better the insurance for Q and us Patriots, and the less probability that it may be needed.


The first post of the Archive Everything! Thread should also have a priority guide to what a new anon/ new member of the public (ally) should backup/archive first, and optimally for each thread/backup target, give a rough Mb/Gb space estimate so they can prioritise their archiving.


Burning archives to blank DVDs that are secured off-site in a protective case are probably the cheapest and most convenient way for most public archivers to help, and perhaps this should be suggested.


These are the coding questions. If they have been asked and answered before please forgive, but I couldn’t find answers.

Question 2: Is there a way to enable a global search function for of

It would be very handy at a minimum to have a CNTRL-F type or facsimile function that would enable research-anons to search back over all open threads of etc.

In my opinion, this would massively speed up our research by allow better linking to crumbs and evidence that have been overlooked and left behind in the speedy filling of breads.

Anonymous ID: 3af0d4 Possible QResearch improvements? 2/2 April 18, 2018, 3:29 a.m. No.1087871   🗄️.is 🔗kun







Question 3: Could we have a new pinned thread to the first page of called for example; “QResearch Thread Index”.

This new “QResearch Thread Index” will function as a title page that lists all separate research threads by name, and would have a hyperlink that an interested anon can open by clicking on the thread’s name or starting post.

Separate, dedicated research threads are a good and necessary development, but they all risk being lost on the growing board because there is no existing search function.



Question 4: Because the Qresearch board moves so quickly, and is a prime shill target, could we add something like a dynamic guide to our top current priority research targets #1-5 (for example)?

It could have links to relevant posts with more detailed explanations of tasks/questions.

It could be used for the latest Q post, but will be more valuable for prioritising research and gathering evidence to complete other proofs that are needed or that have been falling by the wayside because the board is so fast and targeted.


For example, (as an illustration);

“Current Top 5 QResearch Thread Goals/Targets.

  1. (Q’s latest instruction, of highest priority, to be completed ASAP) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX

  2. (Q’s instruction, of next highest priority) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX

  3. (Q’s instruction, of medium-term priority) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX

  4. Epstein Island(s), tunnel fill subcontractor’s phone leaks, photos from public sources (FB, twitter etc) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX

  5. Sir Richard Branson and the Virgin Empire (British billionaire who owns Necker Island, close to Epstein, is there anything there?) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX

Research-Anons- Investigate these and Report back significant findings/conclusions to the thread listed, or to the relevant QResearch Thread Index on the front page.”


Optimally, this top 5 research goals would be moderated by the BO or the trusted anon moderator(s)(a separate baker? / new position; “Research Topic director”?), so the current top #1-5+ search targets would be displayed at the top of the page for research-anons.

When a search is completed or another takes priority, a search term could be removed as priority or marked as completed or frozen until later etc. It would operate similar to a Scrum board but be more simple to operate. This would mean that a research-anon like me can visit the board, see what the latest research need is, and go from there. Instead of having to wade through all the posts on the latest qresearch to find a topic to research, and then be unsure if that research question is worthy, has already been answered, (or even adequately answered).

Speaking for myself, I have much relevant research saved from years past, with some searches inspired by curiosity, other by the ‘synchronicity’ of ‘dreams’.

The problem is that I am still unsure if the board already has the answers/evidence needed, and it can be hard to check without risking abuse.

So you sit back and read the stream of ADHD consciousness (I have ADHD too).

Sometimes it is hard to watch when you realise that the wheel was just reinvented, even though a degree of this is to be expected with so many new people and so many bad actors present.


Thank you for your time and your trust, and thank you for this opportunity to try to help.