Anonymous ID: cb76d0 April 28, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.1229809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0698

I wanted to make a suggestion, but it's something that the BO and BV's need to consider: I think we really need a pinned, dedicated thread for proofs–the best of the best, something for people to see when they come here and really understand that this is more than what the media say.


I was going to create it myself, but I realized that in order to do it right, it would need moderation; the shills would have it jam-packed with Nazi Pleidian aliens riding Pindars in minutes.


It's not really my place to add to your workload, so I thought I would just place the graphics here and let you decide if it's something you want.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 April 28, 2018, 10:07 p.m. No.1230698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If someone could come up with a better graphic, I wouldn't mind. I know I'm shite compared to some of the anons here. Also, knowing that your workload is already immense, if you don't think it's a good idea, I may have an alternate solution away from this board. But this place has earned the trust of everyone (including Q-team) for a reason–you guys have proven yourselves for months now, through some crazy moments.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 May 5, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.1310120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0143

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, BO–hope you get better soon. When I was young, I learned a valuable healing skill while playing baseball: if you've got an ailment, just "rub some dirt on it." Apparently it can heal sprained ankles, bad days…just about anything. j/k


Seriously, though–this board has one serious weakness: the fact that anyone can be a baker. I can't even begin to imagine how many good posts have fallen by the wayside because some bakers either can't recognize their significance, don't want to, or simply are not interested in anything that doesn't come in the form of a meme. Everyone knows beggars can't be choosers, and clearly there have been a lot of times where bakers have been in short supply. But I might have a solution that could deal with the problem of the baker shortage and the risk of low-quality (or even subversive) breads: have the bakers identify themselves with whitelisted, published tripcodes.


Here's how it would work: make a new, stickied thread entitled something like "verified baker tripcode bread." Have everyone that wants to be a baker come up with a double-secure tripcode, and post it in that bread. Put all of those on the whitelist, and keep a list of the good ones at the top. Whenever a baker makes a new bread, have them do so with their tripcode entered–that way, posters can check against list to see whether or not a reputable baker is on the job. If the baker is terrible and enough posters lodge legitimate complaints (in that bread as well), take the baker's tripcode off the whitelist. In that manner, breads would become "branded."


In order to prevent famefagging, make a rule that those tripcodes only be used in the baking of the bread. Breaking that rule would result in the tripcode being taken off the whitelist–either for some length of time or permanently, depending on the transgression.


You wouldn't be reducing the pool of bakers–you would just be allowing posters the ability to identify the good ones. By whitelisting baker tripcodes, you would be granting them access to a rare commodity: a public identity, which would double as a sort of "seal of approval." It would also help you to decide which breads to keep when duplicates show up. Finally, this wouldn't prevent anyone from making a bread–they just wouldn't be able to do it with an established tripcode. This is no different than what is happening now.


I'm no baker, but I recognize that it is a thankless job–why not allow them the ability to one day show their kids that they're the owner of that famous, reliable, "good baker" tripcode? By allowing them the ability to brand their work you would instill a sense of personal responsibility, pride, and perhaps even foster some competition among the ones that need it. It's also a step-up from taking screenshots of (you)'s.


Allowing posters the ability to separate good from bad is good for the evolution of the product. In the case of bad bakers with good intentions, they might come to recognize what makes a good baker, and work at improving their skills. At the very least, it will allow posters to know that they should double-check the bread.


Again, I recognize that this would add to your workload somewhat. You could minimize this by evaluating the list once a week.


Anyway, again, I hope you feel better. I don't know if your dirt is as good as ours, but maybe someday, long down the line after we've won, I can mail you a bit of ours. We've got lots.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 May 11, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.1378184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0420

Regarding censorship:


I was thinking about it, and I might have a solution that pleases both the "no censorship ever" shills and the "censor shitposts" crowd: don't delete the shitty posts, just move them to a "shit" thread specifically set aside for them.


A big part of the problem with those who complain about censorship is that we often have no idea that was censored. I'm positive shills come here and try to undermine confidence in the board, so they post garbage then accuse you of removing important truths. You've displayed your commitment to transparency–I believe by handling things in this manner, you'll be able to maintain that commitment while also clearing up the boards somewhat. Anons would also have the opportunity to see what is being banned and decide for themselves.


Actually, didn't you have things set up like that before? I remember you giving examples of banned posts–were those just screenshots or did you have those posts set aside?


And again, don't let these assholes get you down. Anybody can start a board if they wish, but Q has stuck with this board for a reason. I have yet to see evidence of anyone that was banned for anything relevant or helpful.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 May 19, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.1477172   🗄️.is 🔗kun

someone just doxxed themselves:



Maybe you can show them some mercy? Sounds like some anon's grandpappy, hopped on to concernfag.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 May 20, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.1489743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9948

BO, BVs, I think we might have had our "SKY event," or one of them, last night...and I think it was happening right underneath our noses.


It starts in Bread #1855--there's a lot of banter in there, but here's the most notable post:


...were we visited by POTUS last night?

Skeptical, right? Read on...


In Bread #1856, anons noticed that there were no US military planes in the sky over the US around midnight PST--not one. We have 13,362 airplanes (that we know of)--these planes need to be moved around from base to base for repair, refueling, training, etc. So for them to either a) all be on the ground at once, or b) be taken entirely off of every tracking system is a big thing.



Also, in the previous bread you'll notice that it got suddenly very, very quiet and slow (hence the name of bread #1856). Anons were amazed that the shills just suddenly disappeared (BV should remember--he remarked on it). Did they really disappear, or were they wiped off the board?


Earlier today, Q posted a mesage that ended with:






Now compare that to this post from #1856:



In fact, if you go through breads #1855, and especially #1856, you'll see all kinds of signals that something was happening. For instance, there was at least three instances where anons posted military insignia:





And there was this post in #1855:


then this post in #1856:



But dig deeper into the posts, and you'll start to realize that a huge proportion of the drops were significant. Check out the posts by these ids in #1856:


(9d1db5 seems important, but not this thread)




(most of these anons were speaking to each other, and there's probably more)


I can't overstate how important some of these posts might be. For instance, you have:

>>1478123 (might help with the map--a function to place posts in a certain order, maybe)

>>1478245 (intentional misspellings? Caps? Suggesting BA (British Airways) plane attack from /badguys?)


Finally, you have this post here:

(bread #1856)



I think last night was big.

I just hope POTUS didn't jump onto id 7a9f76:




The reason I'm posting here is because I think many of these anons were a part of Q-team, from all over the world most likely, and I think they were dropping hints. I'm pretty sure I saw the lion images posted by id 1ec3d8 (#1856) a few times throughout the day. Maybe they weren't just posting big hints last night--maybe they've been doing it for awhile, and have gone unnoticed. But if possible, maybe you could check the hash trace and see if there's anything else interesting? Judging by some posts in #1856, they can pretty much change IPs at will, so there's a good chance that anything tied to that IP would be left there on purpose.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 May 20, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.1489948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My mistake--this should be replaced:


>Finally, you have this post here:

>(bread #1856)



Here's a few other hints from that bread:




and my id for those breads was:

8d900e (#1855)

c54256 (#1856) yeah, those weren't the significant posts.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 May 21, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.1493814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can't post in a general thread.

If this gets through and QuantumAnon sees this, I want one of those hats you mentioned in #1857.

Anonymous ID: cb76d0 May 23, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.1521061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BO, BVs,

Feel free to archive my "+'s leaked files" bread. I'm involved in a ton of different things right now, and that line of work doesn't seem to be drawing too much attention. I think everyone knows that /ourguys "have it all," so combing through a lot of weasel-worded files for analysis seems redundant to most.


I have no idea how many have downloaded the files, but I'm sure it's hundreds, or even thousands. When the focus returns to Soros again, perhaps we can re-examine them to corroborate for proofs. But with things heating up right now, there are probably other breads that deserve the space more than that one.

