2 weeks
After infection is the time to add NAC and quercetin/zinc.
Inhibiy viral reproduction (zinc) as well as deformity the spike and make it unable to attatch to the ACE2 receptor of other cell, short circuiting infectivity.
Any former Marines here? I have a question about whether a meme idea is really insulting, or a comment on the state of what's going on right now re: mandatory vaccines
Ok. Well see then.
From Q drops I assumed the Marines would be the only ones to be ready to fight hard, but st the same time if they concede to getting vaxxed…
I'm ambienated.
That's unfortunate to hear.
If you resist falling asleep bad shit happens.
I lived with this girl whose eyes would go dead and THEN she would get all horns.
Freaky zombie shit, and not in a good way.