>>14320664 YouTube takes down a second video from U.S. Senator Rand Paul and suspends him from posting for a week over alleged #COVID19 misinformation.
You know what Youtube is doing right now? They are convincing normies that Youtube is evil, and what they were watching is true
The normies have probably been watching a natural health channel, or something on 911, or trying to get real info on covid, theres so many categories that normies are wanting the truth! Then they try to watch a non offensive video on something of interest and youtube blocks for a while, bans it for a while or out and out condemns and bans it for ever.Youtube is joining us on doing our job. Thanks youtube for joining the Q Research team in waking people up!
Youtube, you dont honestly think that President Trump is kidding and wont win in the class action lawsuit, do you? If so he never takes on a fight he cant win. And our real President believes in Revenge, you know the old eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. He really does!