Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 8:20 p.m. No.14321050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1082 >>1142 >>1393 >>1465 >>1565 >>1598 >>1629

>>14320813 pb


Looking closely at his tweet, we can see that there are green trees in the background. There wouldn’t be green trees outside the window in December. Clearly that picture was taken during warmer weather. So I simply dug through Scavino’s Facebook page and finally I came across this picture from June 1st, 2020:


shown in the article


This picture is clearly from the same meeting as the tweet Scavino sent out on December 15th. Here is the caption from the June 1st tweet:


The picture in the June 1st tweet was taken while they were preparing his address to the nation regarding the riots and Antifa. The address where he “threatens” to mobilize the Military. Devolution - Part 6 tells lays out why June 1, 2020 an important date when it comes to Devolution:


see 3rd image in this post


The Military knew before June 1st that there were foreign actors involved in these riots but they didn’t get involved with active surveillance (publicly anyway) until it got to the point that city and state governments failed in their duty to protect the citizens of their States.


June 1, 2020, is the date the Military became actively involved in the Antifa investigation.


Now back to the original Scavino tweet:


Why didn’t Scavino say it was a “historic moment” when he released the first picture from this meeting on June 1st? Why was a picture of this meeting a “historic moment” when it was shared again from a different angle on December 15th? What is the significance of December 15th, 2020?


There are a lot of important things happening around this time frame. The first date to point out is December 18th, 2020; The date the Intelligence Community was to submit its assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 U.S. elections as required by Executive Order 13848 (Devolution - Part 7). Keep that in mind as I continue.


John Ratcliffe

December 12th, 2020, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe posted this to twitter:


see 4th image


So we know DNI Ratcliffe spent some significant time with President Trump on December 12th. The very next day, on December 13th, President Trump Posts this to twitter (these are the tweets lurehound and John from telegram were referencing):


“Swing States that have found massive VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct … In all Swing State cases, there are far more votes than are necessary to win the State, and the Election itself. Therefore, VOTES CANNOT BE CERTIFIED. THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST!”


Trump was never afraid to vent about the election fraud on twitter but the day after spending significant time alone with DNI John Ratcliffe, he vents about specific examples of fraud (including machine “glitches”) and twice states that we cannot legally certify the votes. (Recall Devolution - part 4 where I present my theory about President Trump suspending the electoral college vote.)

Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 8:26 p.m. No.14321082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1120 >>1393 >>1465 >>1565 >>1598 >>1629


What do you think DNI John Ratcliffe and President Trump talked about on the day of the Army-Navy football game? I believe it has to do with what I covered in Devolution - Part 7. Here is the relevant breakdown from executive order 13848 from that article:


see first 2 images


Six days after DNI Ratcliffe attended the Army-Navy game with President Trump, it was reported that the Intelligence community assessment would be delayed “amid dispute over whether China sought to influence 2020 election. Devolution - Part 7 lays out that when the Intelligence Community finally submitted their assessment on January 7th, 2021, DNI Ratcliffe released his memo titled “Views on Intelligence Community Election Security Analysis”. The first paragraph of that memo reads:


He states he is “the individual who consumes all of the U.S. government’s most sensitive intelligence on the People’s Republic of China”. As the DNI, he would have known at the time of the December 12th Army-Navy football game that the Intelligence Community assessment was going to be late. He knew they were attempting a coverup. I believe he even warned them that he knew.

Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 8:32 p.m. No.14321120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1198 >>1393 >>1465 >>1565 >>1598 >>1629



On December 3rd, 2020 DNI Ratcliffe wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled "China Is National Security Threat No. 1.


read the 3 images with yellow highlighter


There is little doubt in my mind that with the technological capabilities employed by the United States Space Force, that they saw foreign interference as it was happening. They were ready to act as needed but they were waiting for the the constitutional process to play out and gave the Intelligence Community a chance to do their job as required by Executive Order 13848. The Military waited until it was obvious the IC was going to allow the election to be stolen and they had failed in their duty to protect the citizens of their States.


December 15th, 2020, the day the Military moved from “planning” for Devolution to “implementing” Devolution.


* * *


Each of the historical figures pictured in these tweets were “war-time” leaders. In Devolution - Part 4 I talked extensively about Abraham Lincoln and how Trump followed Lincoln’s model from the Civil War to do whatever he deemed necessary to save the constitution and the country. I think the tweeted picture of Winston Churchill is just as significant.


Churchill is an honorary “American citizen” whose “ancestors were officers in Washington’s army.” That is truly remarkable, but looking back at something he once wrote provides us with something even more remarkable. On August 22, 1936, Winston Churchill wrote an article titled “What Good’s a Constitution?”.


“Written soon after Franklin Roosevelt’s Democratic Convention Address of 1936, this article by British statesman Winston Churchill points to the wide gulf between Churchill’s and Roosevelt’s economic views, even if five years later they would forge a close wartime alliance. Beyond their differences on economics, Churchill sees the American Constitution as an enduring source of strength for the American republic, not an obstacle to be overcome.”


This article from 1936 perfectly encapsulates the turmoil our country has been going through. It’s almost as if he was writing this in 2020.

Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 8:54 p.m. No.14321272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1307 >>1393 >>1465 >>1565 >>1585


There is one more person in this story that I have yet to talk about and I think now is the time to view his actions from a different perspective. January 6th, 2020, will always be remembered as a stain on American history. For Mike Pence, January 6th had to be one of the most difficult days of his life. So many American’s who once admired him as a Patriot began vilifying him as a Judas.


If you have read my entire series to this point, you either believe that Devolution is happening or you at least have an open mind to it, even if you are not yet convinced. Whichever best describes you, I ask that you read the upcoming letter with the following assumptions to fully understand what I’m trying to show you:


Devolution is happening.


Trump suspended the electoral college vote


Biden assuming office had to happen

With those assumptions as pretext, let’s go through the letter Mike Pence wrote on January 6th, 2021; The day of the electoral college vote.


read 1st two images


Right away he tells us that he will be doing his duty as the presiding officer “Under our Constitution”. He goes on to tell us that he shares concerns regarding election fraud and states “the American people choose the American President (interesting he added “American” here as it was already implied), and have every right under the law to demand free and fair elections and a full investigation of electoral misconduct.” He knows it’s our right to choose the President and that electoral fraud should be looked into, but he also knows its the role of elected representatives to handle these situations as they arise during the electoral college vote. It’s not his job to interject.


read next 2 images


Again, telling us the “Presidency belongs to the American people”. I believe he is telling us that he knows there was foreign interference.


The second highlighted part could be viewed from two perspectives and I think both perspectives are accurate. “When disputes concerning a presidential election arise, under Federal law, it is the people’s representatives who review the evidence and disputes through a democratic process.”


This could be Pence referring to the election audits. “It is the people’s representatives (State Legislature) who review the evidence (Forensic Audits).”


He could also be referring to members of Congress not actually being the duly elected members of Congress. “It is the peoples representatives who review the evidence.” What if the peoples representatives aren’t the ones who were truly elected? How big was this fraud? How many in Congress aren’t legitimate?


read last image


He is again telling us that it isn’t his duty in his role while presiding over the electoral college vote to interject. His “only responsibility and power … is to faithfully count the electoral college votes as they have been cast.” He knows the votes were cast fraudulently but his Constitutional role prevents him from acting on it.

Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 8:59 p.m. No.14321307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1329 >>1331 >>1352 >>1393 >>1465 >>1565 >>1585



1st image was supposed to be last one ion previous post


He is again telling us that it isn’t his duty in his role while presiding over the electoral college vote to interject. His “only responsibility and power … is to faithfully count the electoral college votes as they have been cast.” He knows the votes were cast fraudulently but his Constitutional role prevents him from acting on it.


read 2nd image


Here Pence brings up his oath. I’ll come back to that but again, he states his Constitutional role prevents him from interjecting in the vote. He then specifically brings up Congress and their duty to “address election controversies when they arise during the count of the vote of the electoral college.” He welcomes them to to “use their authority under the law to raise objections and present evidence.” This is his way of telling us that if anybody is going to be able to prevent a stolen election, it’s going to be members of the Joint Session of Congress during the electoral college vote.


read 3rd image


This paragraph is so important. He says “I ask only that Representatives and Senators who will assemble before me approach this moment with the same sense of duty and an open mind, setting politics and personal interests aside, and do our part to faithfully discharge our duties under the Constitution”.


At the opening of a new congress, Representatives beginning their 6 year term must recite what is called the Congressional Oath of Office:


read 4th image


In his letter, he is reminding Congress of their Oath of office and he uses some of the same exact language to do so: “faithfully discharge our duties”. It’s almost as if he is giving them a lifeline—an “out.” He is telling them to do the right thing for their country and not go through with allowing a Presidential Election to be stolen.


read last image


He assured us that he would keep his oath to us and to Almighty God. His oath to us is to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I truly believe Mike Pence was true to his word.


By not doing anything extraordinary or inconsistent with his constitutional role during the electoral college vote, Mike Pence actually did one of the most extraordinary things a Vice President has ever done. By doing his duty, he gave Congress the opportunity to choose their fate. Devolution was already in motion and his role was to allow Biden to win the electoral college vote if Congress let it get that far.


Even though he knew many people would brand him a traitor, he did exactly what the moment required of him.


We owe Mike Pence our gratitude.



Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 9:14 p.m. No.14321406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sen. Rand Paul released a video Monday pleading with the public to resist COVID-19 regulations issued by the government.


The Kentucky Republican asserted that a unified public rejection of restrictions intended to stem the spread of the virus would be too much for the government to handle and that "petty tyrants and bureaucrats" would be forced to drop mask mandates and similar policies.


"It's time for us to resist. They can't arrest all of us," Paul said in the video. "They can't keep all of your kids home from school. They can't keep every government building closed, although I've got a long list of ones they might keep closed or ought to keep closed."

Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 9:45 p.m. No.14321583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1593 >>1629




Selling fear

Is a very good way to make money

And you never have to deliver anything

Because when the disaster does not happen nobody chases you for their money back


Environmental journalists and advocates have in recent weeks made a number of apocalyptic predictions about the impact of climate change. Bill McKibben suggested climate-driven fires in Australia had made koalas “functionally extinct.” Extinction Rebellion said “Billions will die” and “Life on Earth is dying.” Vice claimed the “collapse of civilization may have already begun.”


Few have underscored the threat more than student climate activist Greta Thunberg and Green New Deal sponsor Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The latter said, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.” Says Thunberg in her new book, “Around 2030 we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will lead to the end of our civilization as we know it.”


Sometimes, scientists themselves make apocalyptic claims. “It’s difficult to see how we could accommodate a billion people or even half of that,” if Earth warms four degrees, said one earlier this year. “The potential for multi-breadbasket failure is increasing,” said another. If sea levels rise as much as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts, another scientist said, “It will be an unmanageable problem.”

Anonymous ID: 7593ec Aug. 10, 2021, 10:03 p.m. No.14321672   🗄️.is 🔗kun



People who use lingo like this

Are mentally deranged

Or mentally retarded morons

Or they are CLOWN shills which, to be honest, can include one or both of the above


The chans, the chan lingo, and the chan icons like Pepe were all created by the CIA's psyops people to control and manage potential dissenters. They wanted to be able to neutralise us and drive us into conspiracy theory ratholes.