Last week Gateway Pundit reported that Q himself…errr “CodeMonkeyZ” Ron Watkins…posted a video and a few screenshots to his Telegram that had been provided by a “whistleblower.” The posts were supposed to demonstrate that Dominion Voting Systems machines could in fact be connected to the internet, which is a necessary but not sufficient element in support of their bat guano theory of election fraud.
The grainy, shaky video presented a conversation between an election official and a Dominion employee, in which the election official asks a series of leading questions in order to demonstrate how, with the help of someone on the inside, the machine could hypothetically be tampered with over the internet using the BIOS motherboard settings.
When the official shared this “bombshell” video with CodeMonkey Watkins they included in it an image of their election system’s BIOS password, which is, of course, a massive breach of voting system security.
And in doing so they stepped on a pretty large rake – because the password in the video was unique, which allowed the Colorado Secretary of State’s office to identify which county the leak came from and during which meeting it was recorded.
While it is not yet clear whether Peters herself was involved in the breach, the tweets certainly indicate she was sympathetic to the Gateway Pundit/Qanon/CodeMonkey worldview. And according to the Sentinel, the “security information” that was posted was only accessible by “state and county election workers who have passed background checks,” meaning it was sourced from one of a very small number of people in her office.