>>1428331 (past loaf)
>>1426847 (loaf 1790)
Chelsea looks like Killary's mom. Ergo likely related.
Could it be 40 year difference between infant twins and adult abusers on tv show set?
The Senate is typically the most compromised body in Congress as it is the seat of power. When are the arrests coming?
Smells fishy to me. Concerned about fame fagging, but not about wasting people's time and energy?
Satan's deception in the garden was that if you eat of the fruit "you shall be as gods". Your philosophy sounds similar.
One exorcist reported that yoga (kundalini) invites in one of the most dangerous and difficult demons to exorcise – extremely violent and tenacious.
Turn to Christ – the King, the Creator, the Source of Light, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Love.
Except for the 187s.
Was he set up for porn/assault charges because he leaked to wikileaks?
Consider the parable of the wicked servant and the king who forgives his massive debt.
Sin = moving away from God and away from brotherhood/sisterhood with other humans.
Agreed. It was knowledge of evil (eating fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil) that led to the fall of mankind and expulsion from the garden. And to lucifer/satan usurping man's kingship on earth.
Nothing surprising when swamp rats are hired for White House posts.