Anonymous ID: f872e2 May 16, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.1432632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Weapons of Mass Distraction: How the masses are manipulated!


This is the oppositions choice weapon. Divide and Conquer through the use of Weapons of Mass Distraction! What is actual is not apart of their agenda. The want you Afraid, Confused & at odds with one another. They do not care if they spread lies or truth as long as we here are debating bullshit then we are not spending that time learning and organizing against them. People have been trained to be reactive as opposed to proactive in their thoughts and actions, this is by their design. Leaping before looking is what they want us to do. No time for sugar coating there is no doubt in my mind that people have been systematically programmed to react by default instead of looking for the reality of a given issue or topic. Make no mistake you are a slave in one fashion or another Entertainment, "News", Sports on and on they go with no regard for we the people as long as they can continue to usurp your true and natural rights and power they win and you lose as humanity has for thousands of years! Our opponents are MASTERS AT THIS GAME and we are merely becoming aware of it on a broad scale at the very least. The "Elites", "The Royal", the so called "Influential" people we are intended to be in Awe of it and they are all in on it and they do not give a damn if you live or die as long as they are calling the shots and making the ants in the farm operate as they intend. Religion is a LARP a bedtime story for those not in touch with reality or by design of the opposition taught not to question the narratives they are spoon fed constantly. It is a way to "comfort" the perhaps good people into fighting against their own self interests and one another. Q is 100% correct that Human Beings have the power if they took the time to love themselves and one another enough to be honest and examine what lines of bullshit they have been indoctrinated by, they would learn that what most of them take as gospel is a half truth at best. You who cry wolf or worry the loudest are in a proverbial prison of your own construction a mental prison with no physical bars beyond your own minds construction.


YOU enslave yourself with fears, doubts, worries and constructs they present to us all via T.V., Internet, Books and so on. Stop playing into their games and lies and start learning for yourself DO NOT TAKE WHAT THIS ANON IS TELLING YOU AS THE "GOSPEL" OPEN YOUR EYES, HEARTS AND MINDS and start DIGGING FOR TRUTH! Reality is out there for those who seek it but I can not give this state of mind to anyone no matter how clearly or unclear my message may be to you at the end of the day it is up to you, the individual potentially conscience mind that they are most afraid of because a mind that is not under their deception is their real DREAD! This ANON is not saying that there is or is not a "Higher Power" in our reality somewhere or somehow but until we have much better evidence than the word of less than honest people I merely hang a HUGE Question Mark over the issue and move forward with what can be understood and worked with to improve my life and the lives of my fellow Human beings.



Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!