Dafuq is this…got this off Gab….
That what has us scratching our heads.
I was hoping you guys would have some idea. Just saw it on Gab and posted it here.
Link: https://gab.com/TorreyG/posts/106735744357578091
Asking for sauce now.
Something to keep an eye on.
So many puzzle pieces…just a matter of fitting them together.
Kek…I work in that particular field myself.
Can't say I've uncovered anything significant though.
Jones is a shill.
Between that and Brother of Fredo resigning…I am wondering what's the story behind that.
Given that she's the spawn of Dick Cheney, who here is surprised?
It could be fake and gay like another anon said, but I'm still scratching my head.
I never got the poison shot so I'm not worried.