but will the camps have showers, live entertainment, and free time in the yard?
i wasn't clicking that shit
signed up for the email list a long time ago for keks and it hasn't disappointed yet
every other email is "super duper red alert emergency defcon 1 extreme prejudice breaking news!!!!" that goes on to explain some mundane shit or hypothetical scenarios to keep dumb faggots buying their shit out of fear
<yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw boyh! gon's gets me sum dat brain farce to make muh synapses fahr on all sillenders todayh! yeee! sho hopes ol' AJ gon' be our 2nd coming of Gee Dubs when 1776 commanseses agayn!
i just hope the other camp mates don't have lice
shit is just going to keep getting worse and worse
it's not even just that
it's society at large which is on a downward path
was going to explain some examples but this anon's meme sums it up nicely, >>14322428
old school americana is all but dead
growing up on dirt roads
sneaking a beer at 6 or 7
cops pulled over the old man and he had a little bud on him and all the cop did was empty it on the ground and send him on his way instead of throwing him in the prison industrial complex so rich lawfags could get richer and the system can fuck them over for the rest of their lives for simply having a little fun
riding bikes without helmets because the nanny state didn't come to be yet
tsa wasn't groping old women and little children simply to get their rocks off in the name of "safety precautions"
playing hide n seek in the neighborhood with the friends after the sun went down and not giving any fucks
could still drive your own vehicle, which is private property, without your 4th amendment being violated and yourself extorted from your hard earned money for not wearing a fucking seat belt - again, in the name of "safety"
every faggot and their momma with a smartphone now to record every little thing in order to go viral
only a fucking cataclysm can reset this mess