They will kill the Internet today to stop them showing the forensic images of the voting computers. Then it will be MIL rescue or NWO Martial Law. Popcorn time.
Fuck your cat, take that shit to 4chan.
Why does "OSTK" suck so much dick this year? It's hot garbage.
Immortal Soul.
Confirmed, Politics is Hollywood for Ugly People while the International Bolshevik Bankers destroy the World. Carry on.
I got the coof while on once weekly HCQ and it was a nothing burger. It is a bacterial infection of the respiratory system that anyone, besides a Ham-Planet, immune system will make short work of. God’s immune system is a gift to be used and enjoyed by all. FYI, fear lowers your vibrational frequency and fucks up your immune response, so live life like me, a swinging dick Chad and Covfefe.